What is a workflow?

"What is a workflow? - A workflow is a workstream within your organization. A workflow almost always consists of human and automated actions.

We often get this question. A workflow is a predefined and repeatable work pattern. In most cases, a workflow describes a method in which employees usually have to perform actions in a fixed order.

Wikipedia says literally:

"Workflow management is the control of the movement of information, often by automated means. Workflow management aims to ensure that the correct information, according to the company's rules, moves from one department to another.

The term is mainly used in an ICT context. So-called workflow systems, software, or machines in which business processes are recorded, regulate the course of an order, complaint, or other task within a company by splitting it into subtasks that are handled and approved in the correct order by the respective departments. The status and trajectory of a task can be queried."

How would I describe "What is a Workflow?"

A workflow is a workstream. The combination of automated actions and human interaction makes the work 'flow'.

The objective of a workflow is that:

  • Processes are optimized;
  • Working hours and actions for certain processes are shortened;
  • Money and materials are saved;

Workflow Management

We often make workflows with Enfocus Switch. With this, you can not only get a better visual understanding of what is happening, but also control various applications and automate tasks. This includes:

  • Extracting and sorting emails;
  • FTP downloads;
  • Reading XML JobTickets and directing jobs to the right press or printer;
  • Speeding up and clarifying communication between employees;
  • Simplifying communication with the customer;
  • Uploading files with DropBox, for example;
  • (PDF) File control;
  • Ink optimization;
  • Remote proofing;
  • Controlling RIPs;
  • Archiving;
  • And many more conceivable options.

Of course, not all processes can be nicely drawn or built into a Switch workflow, so we regularly make custom solutions that automate processes. This includes:

  • Links between websites and MIS / CRM solutions;
  • Automating PDFs (e.g., encryption or modification);
  • Automatically entering order calculations;
  • Load balancing;
  • Various custom-made internet and intranet solutions;
  • And whatever else you can think of...


Contact us for more information and a non-binding conversation."

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